Sunday, November 11, 2007

More NaNoWriMo and Song of the Week #12

Well, my book is going well, and not well. I've got 21,114 words, which is good, I'm ahead of schedule (I think), but I've all of a sudden ran out of inspiration, and I have all these random plot threads that I have no idea what to do with.

Anyway, enough complaining, onto the Song of the Week, This weeks song is from a video game I've been playing lately, Final Fantasy VI. It's a wonderful game. The story twists and turns and never does what you expect it to, the characters are wonderful, the graphics are gorgeous, and the music sticks in your head for hours.

One of my favorite parts of the whole game was where you get to preform an opera. This is the aria from the opera, by far the most beautiful part of the game.

Oh, Maria

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