Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I'm four people, and SOTW #9

I recently decided to find out what Myers-Briggs personality type I am. I decided to take two tests, to see if I got the same results from both. I didn't. I was an ISFJ on one, and an ESFJ on another. I decided to take two more tests, and decided whichever result I got twice would be my personality type. I got ETFJ and INFJ.

Needless to say, I was very confused. I wasn't sure how I got the E's, since I'm and introvert, and I also began to think there was something wrong with me. I've decided to go with being four people at once. It's more fun.

And now, for Song of the Week #9:

Just kidding (but it was amusing, wasn't it?).

Here's the real song of the week:

Victoriam Speramus - Krypteria

I found it when I was looking for "Holding out for a Hero" videos. I'm not sure why this came up, but I'm glad it did.

1 comment:

Steve Emery said...

Both links were broken (video's removed at YouTube) - but I found another copy of the Krypteria video. Interesting - like live action anime, in some ways, gothic, in three languages (English, Latin, and I think Japanese at the end?). "Victoriam Speramus" could be roughly translated as "We need a hero." That might be why it came up.